How to Go Green
In honor of the old Green as a Thistle, here are the changes that Vanessa made during her green year that is still relevant today. I also added my own and made the list universal and not stuff that can be applied in Ontario, Canada only. Use this list to get some ideas to green up your life!
- Ban all styrofoam
- Switch to a recyclable toothbrush
- Turn down the thermostat
- No more bottled water
- Switch to organic conditioner
- Switch from disposable tape-based lint rollers to felt ones
- Eat locally
- Make all bills electronic
- Check tire pressure
- Don’t buy a microwave
- Switch to natural, biodegradable handwash with a recyclable container
- Switch to non-toxic, phosphate-free dishwasher detergent
- Run outside only (no treadmill)
- Use tote bags, no more plastic bags
- Switch to recycled toilet paper
- Cancel cable
- Switch to corn-based, biodegradable cat litter
- Give up disposable tissues, using handkerchiefs
- Use only natural, organic body lotions
- Permanently get rid of any aerosol cans at home
- Change over to natural glass and surface cleaner
- Make sure all the lights are turned off before I leave home
- Switch to natural body wash
- Use chemical-free, reusable cloth static-cling sheets in the dryer
- Unplug anything that isn’t in use
- No more disposable plastic cutlery or plates
- No driving on weekends
- Put away humidifier for good
- Use a thermos for coffee and tea
- No more gift wrap
- Change all light bulbs to CFLs (now LED)
- Switch to Eco-Dent floss
- Only drink fair-trade, organic, locally roasted coffee
- Use only beeswax candles; or soy-based, as long as there’s no paraffin
- Switch to natural toothpaste
- Change over to a natural laundry detergent
- Limit meat or go vegan
- Don’t buy any more petroleum-based bath poufs and loufas
- Be conscientious about how much water is used; only turning on the taps at a “trickle” when washing hands or brushing teeth and keeping showers to five minutes
- Use the air-dry function on the dishwasher
- No more using paper towels or hand-dryers in public bathrooms
- Invest in permanent laser hair removal rather than shaving or waxing forever
- Only local and fair-trade chocolate
- Pick up litter
- Properly dispose of used batteries at a local hazardous waste depot
- Switch to eco-friendly dish detergent
- Purchase “green” baking soda, incorporating it into household cleaning in place of harsher chemicals like bleach
- Only use one glass per day for water/milk/juice, one mug for coffee/tea and one wine glass
- Spend part of each day getting educated about environmental issues
- Use stainless steel rather than non-stick frying pan (takes less time to heat up)
- Don’t buy any more Q-tips
- Switch to natural deodorant
- Give up gum (especially the over-packaged kind)
- Turn my oven off for good
- Only buy loose-leaf tea in refillable packets
- Switch to natural, organic shampoo
- Only fill my kettle with the exact amount of water needed
- Shut down the computer every day at work instead of just logging off
- Don’t use the air-conditioning in the car
- Follow the “If it’s yellow, let it mellow…” rule
- Use matches instead of lighters
- Carbon-offset all air travel
- Use only the herbs and spices grown at home
- Unplug the whole fridge
- Weekly lobbying, letter-writing and petitioning on behalf of various environmental campaigns
- Request that in-flight meals be vegetarian/vegan
- Don’t buy books from Amazon or Chapters/Indigo; only local, independent bookstores and only when necessary
- Purchase all music in mp3 format rather than CDs
- Get allergy shots instead of buying packs of antihistamine pills, eye drops and nasal sprays
- Make sure there’s always at least one ‘green’ element in the gifts given
- Switch to an all-natural acne ointment
- No more ordering food by delivery
- No more take-out
- Always ask for no receipt, unless one is really needed
- Refill all possible bottles (toiletries and household cleaning products); bringing own plastic food containers to the bulk bins at the grocery store
- Switch to eco-friendly dry cleaners
- Use a PVC-free shower curtain liner
- Turn off air-conditioning during the summer
- Recycle anything and everything that can be recycled — no excuses
- Switch to a natural bar soap
- Sleep naked
- Use a natural, mineral-based suntan lotion
- No more baths
- Let hair air dry
- Get rid of face wash and makeup remover, use bar soap instead
- Order smaller, more eco-friendly business cards
- Don’t use nail polish (or nail polish remover)
- Only water plants with greywater
- Only go to eco-friendly spas
- Pick weeds (in mom’s garden) by hand rather than with pesticide
- Use gauze instead of band-aids for minor cuts
- Switch to natural cat food
- Limit use of elevators
- Use cloths instead of paper towels for household cleaning
- Switch to natural hair dyes
- Rais environmental awareness through stickers, blogs and other media
- Use GoodSearch instead of Google
- Natural healing of sunburns (no more after-sun lotions)
- Only rent cars from companies that offer hybrids
- Sell the car!
- Handwash all dishes
- Buy tokens for public transit rather than tickets
- Only buy cereal in bulk
- Use plastic-free, eco-friendly photo albums
- Limit ironing time/heat
- Don’t use hair-straightening iron anymore
- Compost
- Keep the light in the bathroom off each morning while showering and brushing teeth
- Use the same fork or spoon stirred with to eat
- Don’t use any more straws
- Cut hair and keep it short (so less product is needed)
- Buy an all-natural kitchen/bathroom cleaner
- Use biodegradable pens
- Digital photos only
- No more Swiffer products
- No more tabloids or trashy magazines
- Only stay at eco-friendly hotels
- Only buy sustainable and/or local clothing
- No drinking any more canned beverages
- No drinking anymore bottled beverages
- Purchase only fair-trade and if possible local flowers
- Give regularly to a green cause
- No more recreational driving/boating/etc
- No more gyms, all exercise must be outdoors
- Eat food straight from the pot or pan
- Fix something if it’s broken rather than getting a new one
- Bring own headphones for the plane
- Use corn-based BioBags for the garbage bins
- Volunteer regularly with a green organization
- Invest in eco-friendly cat litter tray liners
- Switch to a natural toilet bowl cleaner
- No more smoking whatsoever
- Buy organic cotton or bamboo bedsheets
- Enforce the shoes-off-at-the-door policy
- Use hand-held fans instead of electric ones
- Don’t buy any leather
- Make sure my house sitter agrees to the green rules
- Only buy eco-friendly jewellery
- Wash all my clothes in cold water
- Feed cat natural treats
- Shower in lukewarm, rather than hot, water
- No more gift cards unless they’re homemade from scrap paper
- Print on both sides of the page
- No more Wite-Out
- Buy all my spices in bulk
- Put a bottle of water in the toilet tank to reduce the amount used per flush
- Only buy eco-friendly shoes
- Use a hand-held bicycle pump rather than CO2 cylinders
- Use biodegradable soy-based peanuts or popcorn when sending packages in the mail
- Don’t wear a gown at the doctor’s office
- Buy and donate clothes to Goodwill and other thrift stores
- Don’t use staples
- Use wind-up or solar-powered flashlights
- Get indoor plants
- Only use natural perfume
- Only get hand massages rather than using massage chairs or gadgets
- Use electronic tickets
- Eat only organic tubers (squash, eggplant, etc.)
- Green dating through or Green Drinks
- No more paper napkins
- Preserve jams and can fruits
- Only buy used sports equipment
- Groom cat more often to prevent hairballs (and thus use less paper towel and water to clean them up)
- Use coconut oil instead of K-Y jelly
- Wear items of clothing twice or more, as long as they’re not dirty or smelly
- Take smaller notes and using both sides of the page during interviews
- Don’t use toilet paper for peeing
- Natural bug extermination, ie. drowning fruit flies in wine or syrup
- Switch to a natural mouthwash
- Don’t use the Internet after dinner
- Don’t buy any more DVDs or CDs
- Decrease the margins on my Word documents
- Don’t go back on the birth control pill
- Sign up with a CSA for weekly delivery of local, organic produce
- Only purchase ceramics from potters who recycle their clay
- Reuse envelopes
- Use towels a minimum of five times before washing them
- Cut the end off the toothpaste tube when it’s almost done to scrape the last little bit out
- Hang the Do Not Disturb sign on hotel room doors so housekeeping doesn’t need to vacuum, change linens, replace toilettries, etc.
- Use incense or candles instead of artificial room fresheners
- Use chalkboards instead of whiteboards or flip charts
- Water outdoor plants at night instead of during the day
- Cook at a gentle boil instead of a rolling boil
- Use only sustainably made cutting boards
- Use water or homemade saline solution instead of synthetic eye drops
- Use Lunapads rather than disposable pads
- Get ice cream in a cone instead of a disposable cup
- Stick to designated paths while hiking
- Work from home at least two days a week
- Towel off in the shower before stepping onto the bathmat
- Smile at one person you don’t know every day
- Use parchment paper or cheesecloth instead of cling wrap
- Only buy wooden hangers, preferably used
- Swim in natural bodies of water, not public pools
- Pull the shower curtain open when finished so it dries properly and requires less cleaning
- Turn down the temperature on my water heater
- Get cooking smells off fingers with used green tea leaves rather than soap
- Vote for the Green Party
- Make sure I don’t pour grease down the drain
- Borrow and share
- Soak dishes overnight so less water is needed to clean the tough stuff off
- Navy showers
- Let clothes air-dry on a rack, not in the dryer
- Don’t take anymore supplements, vitamins, detox shakes, etc.
- Use scouring pads made from recycled plastic
- Only buy organic cotton underwear
- Make sure to use every last bit of shampoo/ketchup/etc in the bottle, using the “hit and swish” technique with some water
- Consume every part of the pumpkin carved for Halloween
- Go by the 10-second rule whenever food is dropped on the floor
- Share living space with a roommate whenever possible
- Use the Diva Cup instead of tampons
- Bring own reusable bib to the dentist’s
- Eat apple cores (and pear cores, etc) to waste less food
- Only buy and play eco-friendly games
- Chop food up extra small before putting it in the food processor
- Don’t anymore hand sanitizer
- Make a Halloween costume/decorations from clothes I already have
- Don’t use Post-It notes; scrap paper instead
- Empty lint traps, cleaning filters on a regular basis
- Natural aloe-coated condoms instead of Trojan or Durex
- Don’t use any toothpicks
- Don’t buyany more cheap umbrellas; using a sturdy big one and sharing it whenever possible
- Get others to do green stuff that you can’t
- Drink green tea instead of prescription drugs when having a nervous breakdown
- Enforce quiet time (no radio, stereo or other music)
- Use old socks and T-shirts for dish rags
- Switch to a natural carpet cleaner
- Don’t use the fan in my bathroom
- Properly dispose of electrical waste like old computers and cell phones
- Back up work with a USB stick rather than CDs
- Don’t bother with any rubber charity wristbands or ribbon campaigns
- Reuse old floppy discs as coasters
- Drive the speed limit when I rent a Zipcar
- Drink straight from the bottle
- Don’t fruit and veggie wash or rinsing things for more than a second
- Knit scarves instead of buying them
- Hold hair up with a pen, chopstick or rubber band from my newspaper instead of buying more elastic bands or other hair accessories
- Polish silverware with baking soda
- Cancel magazine subscriptions, donating extras to the doctor’s office
- Buy used furniture and recover it rather than getting new stuff
- Learn to sew and mend my own clothes
- Reuse a fake Christmas tree from last year, not buying ornaments
- Ask that others only buy me eco-friendly gifts
- Keep my addresses on my computer rather than buying a paper notebook
- Use an all-natural shoe polish, like coconut oil
- Make my own soup broth instead of buying it
- No more tape
- Don’t shaving legs anymore
- Don’t consume anything that contains or is manufactured with genetically modified corn (ie. high-fructose corn syrup, corn starch, ethanol, corn-fed beef, etc)
- Only buy my beans dry, in bulk
- Have a regular “inside day”, staying at home and not buying anything
- Add an eco-friendly tip to my email signature
- Only drink fair-trade tea
- Don’t buy any individually wrapped food
- Only take cabs fueled by natural gas
- Let my dishes dry in the dishwasher rack with my houseplants beneath to collect the excess water dripping off
- Only buy organic, unbleached cotton towels
- Use up my change at the cash register
- Use a broom and dustpan instead of a vacuum
- Pack carry-on rather than check-in luggage
- No more paper towels
- Use scrap paper as bookmarks instead of buying new ones
- Use manual tools rather than electric or battery-powered ones
- Organize my stuff so I don’t lose things (and therefore don’t need to repurchase them)
- No more highlighters
- Make my own cosmetics and beauty products
- Use old books and shoe boxes as storage containers
- Only purchase used kitchenware and appliances
- Restrict to cold water only for washing hands, face and dishes
- Use biodegradable chain lube for my bike
- Don’t buy anymore plastic whatsoever
- Use a soap dish made from reclaimed chopsticks
- Opt for a green-minded real estate company when buying/selling my house
- Only eat at restaurants that serve local and/or organic food, and offer eco-friendly take-out options
- Use Coccoina, an all-natural glue
- Get used boxes for moving day
- Use organic cotton produce bags and bulk-bin sacks
- Frame art with reclaimed barn board and recycled glass
- Go to an eco-conscious bike repair shop
- Shop at green malls
- Only use the small burners on my stove
- Send out electronic invites rather than paper ones
- Make fenders for my bike from old water bottles
- Have a green moving party — using cargo bikes, trolleys. man power and other carbon-free alternatives to vans and trucks
- Eat all my skins (potato, carrot, cucumber, etc)
- Switch to an eco-conscious accountant for tax season
- Only buy handmade, bamboo or organic cotton blankets
- Comment on other people’s decisions that aren’t very green, educate them about why it’s important to consider alternatives
- Learn shorthand, so I take smaller notes and thus save paper
- Squeegee shower tiles each day to prevent mildew and mold
- Only consume organic maple syrup
- Buy a used mattress and boxspring
- Screen my future tenants to ensure green practices throughout the household
- Use a natural pumice stone to remove pilly fluff from sweaters instead of sending them to the drycleaners
- Plan out my routes, double-checking maps and directions to avoid getting lost on road trips (and thus preventing excess CO2 being emitted by the car)
- Shovel snow and using sand instead of corrosive salt or antifreeze
- Install a dual-flush toilet
- Buy low-VOC paints
- Set up a rain barrel to collect water for plants, etc.
- Don’t wear any more makeup
- Use real, leftover wood for fires instead of artificial firelogs
- Don’t run lots of applications on my computer at once
- Use rechargeable batteries
- Close curtains at night to insulate the house
- Only buy recycled glass
- Take the most direct flight instead of cheaper ones with stopovers
- Use natural, homemade furniture polish
- Tuck pants into boots/socks to prevent them from getting dirty
- Use a service like Green Map when touring a city
- Go skinny dipping
- Help push stuck cars out of the snow
- Cover holes in the wall with pictures instead of buying plaster
- Write an eco-friendly funeral into my will
- Make my own stamps, or using lickable ones instead of stickers
- Write poetry in haiku form only
- Recycle my old running shoes
- Delete all spam and stale emails from my Gmail inbox
- Only buy fair-trade vanilla products
- Fix other people’s green mistakes
- Sleep more