Day 4 | Decluttering Mini-Course

You’re over halfway done this course. Great job! Today’s challenge is going to be another tough one. We’re going to tackle our closets today.

If this seems too overwhelming, just work on it for 30 to 60 minutes today and save the rest for another day.

Nowadays, our closets are stuffed and crowded with clothes. But, do you really wear everything you hang up or fold? Are there clothes you keep pushing aside or clothes you only wear because “nothing else is cleaned?” Maybe it’s time to get rid of those items. They’re taking up space and are not getting the love they deserve. Someone could really benefit from having it, so give it away!

Some other things to consider: Does it fit? Do you love the way it looks? Have you worn it in the next year?

It’s a big one, but once your closet is tackled, you will be feeling less stressed!

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