Yesterday, we tackled the junk that reside in the junk drawers and today’s challenge is going to be a little bit challenging. We’re going to go through our bookcases and books. If this task seems to be too much, just work on it for 30-60 minutes today and come back to it another day.
Along with books, I used to keep random items on my bookshelves. We’re tackling EVERYTHING on the bookshelves today even knickknack and piles of paper. Do what we did in yesterday’s challenge and put items in their proper homes and then sort the remaining items.
Some tips on books: If you’ve already read the book and you’re not going to read it again, give it away. If you bought the book and you’re really not interested in reading it, give it away. If you read a book once a year or like to frequently look into it for reference, keep it.
Do what feels right for you! Another thing is, if you donate the book to your library, you can always check it out in the future and it can give someone else some knowledge too.
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